Sunday, September 15, 2013

2nd retwist/2 month update

I had my 2nd professional retwist on Sunday, 9/8. This was my 3rd visit to Damian Walter. In my previous post I said I wouldn't be seeing Damian this month but things changed and it worked out for me to get my retwist masterfully done by him.

Left hand side: pre retwist. Right hand side: post retwist. Check out my wannabe bangs:D

I'm travelling to Tanzania (home) in two days. I'll be gone for two weeks and by the time I return, I'll be a few days away from my fourth professional retwist on October 5th. My goal is to make it through the entire month without shampooing. I'm doing this because the baby locs in my crown and the back row are not making much progress. So, I'm thinking if I give them a solid four weeks they'll do better? We'll see. If it turns out that they're doing just as badly then I won't feel bad about shampooing more frequently. 

If you read my previous post, you know that I've had my share of scalp woes. A week post my retwist and I am doing fairly - no urge whatsoever to shampoo and no itchiness but I do see evidence of dry scalp (small white flakes). My plan this month is to spray Black Queen Carrot Oil Sheen Spray (this is what Damian uses) every three days as needed. I also have Shea Moisture Dandruff & Dry Scalp Elixir which I hope will keep the dry scalp in check and some Seabreeze in case I get the "itchies".

Yesterday my babies clocked two months. Loving that I have some hang in the front. I see a few buds here and there. Looking forward to seeing the progress made by the time they are three months.

See ya!

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